the Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Corona virus is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect anyone, both infants, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and to several countries, including Indonesia.Explanation of the name acronym, namely that "co" means "corona", "vi" for "virus", and "d" for "disease (disease)", and the number 19 behind it refers to the year of emergence, namely 2019. At 30 January 2020 Covid-19 is declared an international public health emergency.
This virus makes some countries as uninhabited because all residents are afraid of the spread of the virus. so they chose to remain at home. Signs of contracting the corona virus are similar to flu symptoms. According to WHO, the symptoms of corona infection are fever, cough, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. In fact, in more severe cases, this virus can cause pneumonia, multiple organ failure and death.
The estimated incubation period for this virus between infection and the onset of symptoms ranges from one to 14 days. To date, most infected people show symptoms within five to six days. Lockdown, is a situation where people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely for reasons of something emergency. As a step to stop the spread of the corona virus, some countries impose lockdowns or city closures such as in China, Italy, Denmark, the Philippines and Ireland.
Suspect is a patient who has shown symptoms of contracting corona and is also suspected of having contact with a positive patient of Covid-19.
ODP stands for Insider Monitoring. According to Government Spokesperson for Handling Corona Achmad Yurianto, people with ODP status have not shown symptoms of illness.
However, this person had traveled to the epicenter of the corona virus or had had contact with a person suspected of being corona-positive so monitoring had to be done.
so the corona virus is an invisible but very dangerous virus although the initial symptoms can be said to be trivial but we must remain vigilant and always maintain cleanliness, keep a distance, do not leave the house often, and do not touch the face (eyes, nose, mouth)
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